Keith Urban premiered a 23-second snippet of some much-anticipated new music -- a brand new single, which will be serviced to country radio on Monday, May 13. It's a short tease, Urban fanatics will find it good enough to tide them over for the time being.

All we hear is a little of the melody and two lines of lyrics and vocals. While it's super short and we have a limited sample to assess, judging from those few precious seconds, Urban's forthcoming single will be breezy and uptempo.

In the snippet, Urban sings about wishing he could "take a cab down to the creek and hang a disco ball from a low, low tree." So it's a song about merging urban and rural life, at least metaphorically.

What's important to note is Urban's big smile as he presides over his handiwork -- it's clear he's proud, and rightfully so. Last fall, the singer promised he'd be delivering a sound in 2013 that is unlike anything he's ever done before. “I wanted to have everything around me be totally unfamiliar to me and I think it’s great in a sense that all sorts of stuff is coming out that I normally haven’t done before,” he said.

And he apparently kept true to his word.

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