I admit I'm not the best speller (I'm double checking this article) but sometimes we need real life "spell check" for some situations. For example spelling the word "school". For some folks it's not an easy word but what makes it embarrassing is the fact that it's promoting a crossing outside of a SCHOOL!

This happened a few months ago in New York outside of the Marta Valle High School in Manhattan. The city is denying any responsibility laying blame on the utility provider that had worked on the street and repainted the crossing. However, nothing has been done about the situation and so the misspelling stands as "xing shcool". This school is apparently a dysfunctional school according to parents, who claim the students stand outside and smoke dope all day. Guess there is your reason for the misspelling, a graduate of the school maybe?

So I was curious as to how many times this has happened and why they don't immediately do something about it. I found that it happens quite often.

A school (now I'm paranoid about my spelling) in Florida had a similar problem when the painters spelled the word "scohol". The reaction from the parents is what's funny and the fact that every kid that was asked to spell the word, did so correctly. So why can't they see they spelled it incorrectly and not get it taken care of?

So what other misspelled signs have you seen around your town that are embarrassing?

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