Funny Stuff

Jean-Claude Van Damme Does Zero Gravity Splits
Jean-Claude Van Damme Does Zero Gravity Splits
Jean-Claude Van Damme Does Zero Gravity Splits
OK, this may be getting a little out of hand. Remember Jean-Claude Van Damme did the splits in a Volvo commercial? Then Channing Tatum parodied the splits, while Chuck Norris did his own version of the splits between two airplanes. Well, Van Damme is back...again. This time he does zero gravity splits between two satellites in space.
Why Dogs Do Circles Before Sitting or Going to the Bathroom
Why Dogs Do Circles Before Sitting or Going to the Bathroom
Why Dogs Do Circles Before Sitting or Going to the Bathroom
Have you ever had a question but you thought it was so stupid you wouldn't ask it? Well one of mine just got answered. Seems it wasn't such a stupid question after all. There has been actual research into this situation. I have always wondered why dogs do circles before sitting down or going to the bathroom. I now know the answer.
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Pull Off Hilarious Prank in New York City
So, say you're walking down the city street, when all of a sudden, zombie hands start attacking you from a drain. Well, that's exactly what happened to some people in New York City recently. Check out this hilarious prank that AMC's "The Walking Dead" pulled recently ahead of this Sunday's season premiere.
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
Magic of Rahat is Back With Drive Thru ‘Hearing Names’ Prank
By now you've probably seen several videos from YouTube user magicofrahat including the 'walk on water' prank, or even the 'spider on the hand' prank. Well now the magician is back, this time terrorizing drive thru restaurants with this epic 'hearing names'. Basically, it's a  prank where he records a workers name on his phone and plays it back while they look around and think they are hearing voi

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