Friday is here again and so I set forth to bring a little humor to your day;at least I try to anyway. I had myself laughing at these so much so that I was almost in tears. So let's check out this weeks Top 3
Weekly Viral Videos for a giggle or two.

The first video is a young Barry Manilow fan or "Fanilow" as they are called. He does a great job of serenading you with great facial expressions to boot. However, I don't think his little sister is much of a fan; not sure if that is a reflection on her brothers performance or the fact that it's a Barry Manilow song.

Sometimes something just hits you funny and there is nothing that can stop the laughter. Your stomach aches and your crying and you are laughing so hard you can't seem to recover, not in a timely fashion anyway. Now think about if that was you and you were a news reporter on live TV. This woman had that happen to her and someone had to step in a fill her spot.

My grandmother loved to watch game shows on TV. Shows like Family Feud, $10,000 Pyramid, Password, Wheel of Fortune and of course, who could forget The Newly Wed Game. That show cracked me up. As you know if you've ever watched any of these, you get some pretty wild spur of the moment answers from the contestants. So here's a little montage of some of the crazy answers people give as their response.

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