The Five Most Underrated Garth Brooks Songs
Garth Brooks is back with downloadable albums and the promise of new music as well. Why did he wait so long? Well, he's Garth, for starters. And second, he refused to let his albums be sold song-by-song. You either get the whole album, or you get nothing at all.
The good news is that there's a lot of great music outside of Garth's huge singles. Yeah, you're getting a lot of music when all you maybe wanted was the hits, but it's not like it's all filler.
Here are my favorite non-single songs Garth did from his studio albums. I'd provide videos, but most of these songs don't have them. There are, however, a lot of cover versions of all these songs on YouTube. Let me know what you think!
- Capitol Records
Capitol Records "Every Now and Then"
From: The ChaseThis is probably my favorite Garth song. I'm a sucker for the ballads, and this one—about a man remembering an old love affair—is as country as country gets. It's very much the flip side of the mega-hit "Unanswered Prayers." While both songs find the singer unwilling to leave the woman he's with, "Every Now and Then" sure has him thinking a lot harder about it. There's a slight bit of legend to this one, too—some say it may be about Trisha Yearwood. While they're married now, at the time this song came out, they sure weren't. It may not be true, but it would explain the hurt living in this song.
- Capitol Records
Capitol Records "Wild Horses"
From: No FencesThis song got a little airplay, but didn't land as a major single, and that's a shame. It's catchy as hell. That may be because it came from 'No Fences,' the album that exploded Garth into the stratosphere. "Friends in Low Places," "The Thunder Rolls," and "Unanswered Prayers" kind of sucked all the air out of the room when this album came out. It's another "I chose the rodeo over my woman," song, but it doesn't deserve to be forgotten. Not by a long shot.
- Capitol Records
Capitol Records "Ireland"
From: Fresh HorsesGarth has a real soft spot for story songs, but he never reached as hard for one as he did on "Ireland." It's a weird, Celtic sounding song—and at first, you think the song doesn't fit on the album. And maybe it doesn't, but the story of a Irish warrior getting ready to lay his life down for his country? It's cinematic. Forget Chris Gaines—THIS is the movie Garth should have tried to make.
- Capitol Records
Capitol Records "I Don't Have to Wonder"
From: SevensAnother tear in your beer song for sure, "I Don't Have to Wonder Anymore" kind of fits with "Every Now and Then," but turns up the depression to 10. It's the same idea, with the singer remembering an old relationship, but this time he's sitting outside of the church on he day of her funeral. The song may have an even sadder ending than that, depending on how you want to read the last lyrics...
- Capitol Records
Capitol Records "Against the Grain"
From: Ropin' the WindThe lead-off track from Garth's third album is a barn-burner and a statement of purpose. Yeah, he's country, but it's clear that he's not your daddy's country. Garth has that weird habit of calling his music "Garth Music," but when this album came out in 1991, there wasn't anything quite like it. Now EVERYTHING sounds like it. You can hear the start of the bro-country movement right here, in a song about going your own way.