The world famous country music singing sensation Miss Taylor Swift will soon be on the August cover of "Teen Vogue" magazine. Taylor talks about some of her favorite things and pop culture favorites.

YouTube - Taylor Swift Graces The Front Cover Of Teen Vogue

Swift says she likes to watch Law & Order S.V.U. and her favorite person on the show is, Detective Olivia Benson. "I sort of feel like me and Olivia are BFFs" Taylor tells Teen Vogue. Adding that she likes, '90s one-hit wonders and watching YouTube videos of kittens.

Teen Vogue: Your relationships with your close girlfriends are inspiring and seem very important to you. How do you make time to see them when you're so busy with your superstar schedule?

Taylor Swift: My friends all have different jobs — some I get to see at award shows, some I see when they're home from college, some are in my band! I'm so lucky to have so many people I love and trust.

source: Teen Vogue Magazine

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