With colder freezing weather, the scam artists are out and looking to take your money. The Better Business Bureau advises what to be on the lookout for.
More people in Texas are being scammed on the internet than any other state except for California, according to a new study by Social Catfish.
A whopping $606,179,646 has been stolen from a total of 41,148 Texas residents, according to the site's research...
Big country beware of shady contractors with advance fee scams going on now in and around the big country. Learn more from the Abilene Better Business Bureau.
Before you rebuild or remodel check with the Better Business Bureau. Construction scams are starting to show up in West Texas after the recent wildfires and storms.
If you grew up watching Western movies as I did, you’re familiar with the cowboy’s dastardly adversary — the cattle rustler. Turns out that the Wild West practice of swiping cattle (or money) from under somebody’s nose isn’t dying with the rest of the cowboy life.
A Sweetwater man name...
If you have Facebook, you've probably seen one of your friends claiming to have earned a $100 gift card from Kohl's just for taking a survey. Don't believe it.
Imagine you’ve lost your dog or cat. Those who’ve been through this heartbreaking experience know you’d do almost anything to get your pet back. And that desire is exactly what makes you a prime target for the lost pet scam.
Ashley McDowell of Spartanberg, South Carolina probably thought she was a master negotiator when she haggled with two men a McDonald’s parking lot for a new iPad, getting the price down from $300 to $180. But when McDowell got home and opened the box, she instead found a plank of wood.