With a story set in and around Los Angeles during the Manson Family era and a cast that already includes Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film is shaping up to be the movie event of next summer — and the latest additions to the ensemble double-down on that point.
Well that was fast. Although we’re still mighty skeptical about Quentin Tarantino actually directing this thing, his Star Trek pitch is moving along rather quickly. The director has met with a trio of writers, with one reportedly emerging as the frontrunner to script the new Star Trek movie based on Tarantino’s idea. But the most interesting part of the latest update on this wacky concept is that Paramount has agreed to Tarantino’s stipulation that the film be rated R.
Sony has set a release date for Quentin Tarantino’s new film, which is sorta-kinda-not-really about the Manson Family murders. The project is the acclaimed filmmaker’s first without the involvement of disgraced former Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein. After Tarantino parted ways with Weinstein in the wake of numerous sexual harassment and assault allegations, he set up shop with Sony, which will release his untitled (or title yet-to-be-revealed) film in 2019.
Less than a week after Quentin Tarantino released a statement through friend and actor Amber Tamblyn, the filmmaker has finally opened up about Harvey Weinstein. Tarantino’s professional relationship with the former studio executive dates back 25 years to Reservoir Dogs; over the years, it’s transcended business and become personal, as well. And yet, despite knowing about some of the sexual assault and harassment allegations, Tarantino admits that he did nothing.
Anyone who made it through the entirety of Luke Cage knows that the Marvel Netflix series paid homage to the character’s 1970s roots where possible, but primarily focused on more topical implications of a bulletproof black superhero. At least some think the character was most effective in the original blaxploitation context, as Quentin Tarantino claims of his prior idea for a Luke Cage movie.
Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction was groundbreaking in many ways, particularly in the way its characters talked. The film uses the F-word 265 times, which in 1994 was second only to Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas, which had 300. In the years since Pulp Fiction hit theaters, the usage of the word spiked and now Pulp Fiction is not even listed among the Top 25. That’s just one of the surprising facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, so grab a Royale With Cheese and get to know more about Pulp Fiction!
I can’t blame anyone who’s got Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the top of their list of most anticipated movies of the fall and winter. But for me, it’s all about The Hateful Eight.
You’ve heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there’s also a connected Quentin Tarantino Universe. Donnie Donowitz from Inglourious Basterds is the father of producer Lee Donowitz from True Romance. Does that mean Brad Pitt’s character in True Romance is related to Lt. Aldo Raine of the Basterds? That’s just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which takes a trip back to Nazi occupied France with Inglourious Basterds!
After stops and starts and leaks and reversals, Quentin Tarantino’s 70mm Western ‘The Hateful Eight’ is now, finally, officially, definitively, happening. The Weinstein Company announced today that production has begun in Telluride, Colorado.