With colder freezing weather, the scam artists are out and looking to take your money. The Better Business Bureau advises what to be on the lookout for.
Abilene's most expensive home will set you back a cool $1.9 million dollars. As for the furniture, that is up for negotiation. However, the hidden pool is included
Packing away all of your holiday gear can be kind of a drag, but at least with great storage solutions, it can be easy. Christmas clean up is a breeze when you’ve got the right tools!
In one of the strongest box office weekends of 2015 so far, both Home and Get Hard opened strong while Insurgent and Cinderella continued to perform well. This was the rare weekend that literally offered something for everyone, with R-rated comedies and animated family fare exceeding expectations.
The trailer for DreamWorks Animation's 'Home' is an odd one, showcasing a genuinely interesting science-fiction premise but filling the margins with screaming, fart jokes and lame pop-culture references. The 'How to Train Your Dragon' films have bought a lot of goodwill for the studio, but between this new effort and 'The Penguins of Madagascar,' they're pushing it.
It's could be true, if an "old" State Of Texas law holds up in court. The law is called "Adverse Possession". A home valued at over $330,000 dollars was foreclosed on, then the mortgage company that held the mortgage went out of business. The house just sat there, and that's when a Texas law savvy Kenneth Robinson moved into the empty house and started "squatting on it&qu