With deer season here and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) being reported in the news, is it something we might see here in the Big Country and or West Texas?
Once and for all the myth of 'smoking while deer hunting' is finally put to rest. In this video, a bow hunter goes the extra mile to disprove the old myth.
DFW traffic is scary enough for those who don't drive it normally. So, when a car hits a deer and the deer ends up in the back seat and the driver is not hurt. That's amazing, watch the video now.
Around West Texas, good ole boys are always helping someone or some thing. These two good Samaritans were helping a dying deer that got tangled up in a fence. It's what happens next that's amazing.
The new 'HD action cameras' are all the rage now days, however motorcycle riders have been mounting their action cameras on their helmets. Most riders enjoy catching the sights and sounds of a group ride or a larger motorcycle rally. This one motorcyclist caught a little more than he was expecting.
Here's What a rabid baby deer looks and acts like. The police were called and they quickly confirmed what many were thinking, "this fawn has rabies". Officers secured the area and euthanize the deer quickly. So, was the deer actually rabid?