Recent data from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department shows Texans are embracing safety on the lakes, leading to a decrease in violations and accidents.
With warmer days and better weather here, we are all heading to the lake for some R&R, just remember to "Clean, Drain, and Dry." If you don't you can be being fined $500.
I love the ocean but since we don't live near one the lake is the next best thing. Don't be fooled, although we haven't had much rain Ft.Phantom still has plenty of water. The fish were jumping, the tubers were tubing and the skiers were skiing. Here's how I enjoyed my Sunday in the sun.
Everyone has gone on the cruise, I've been left unattended dreaming of the water. I love the water so I was checking out some boats and found this new one from Seabreachers. It looks like a dolphin and not only cruise the surface but can dive below as well.