Roger Creager Attempts to Set Record for ‘Worlds Largest River Float’
Roger Creager did something this weekend that broke a record, but it had nothing to do with music. He and his fans set a world record for the largest river float ever. Texas always does things bigger and better than anyone else; so why not a river float? The previous record for, Largest Raft of River Rings/Tubes, as it is officially called in the Guinness Book of Records was around 250. This past Saturday, July 26 Roger and his fans set out to break that record and 'unofficially' they did it by leaps and bounds.
There were approximately 950 tubers all tied together in the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels, TX this weekend. The exact number is still being determined and will be sent to Guinness Book of World Records in London to be verified.
The group of floaters blocked the Guadalupe River for more than an hour. Roger gave a short concert to those gathered, then joined them in the river on his own tube! This was all done in conjunction with the recent release of Roger's single 'River Song'.
I used to love reading the Guinness Book when I was in Junior High and now I know someone who is actually in it - pretty darn cool.