A new mobile version of TasteofCountry.com will make keeping track of the latest country music news easy on the go. The fresh look debuted this week. Fans with newer model mobile devices, including phones and tablets, will be able to scroll through top stories, reviews, lists and features that are hot on Taste of Country. 

The new mobile site is a product of reader feedback. Enjoy an organized interface and larger font beneath simple, easy-to-understand headlines and pictures. The photos shown above were grabbed from an Apple iPhone, but Nooks, Kindles and Samsung products are not left out in the cold. We're tech-inclusive here at Taste of Country.

Benefits of the ToC mobile site include an easy-to-find listen live button (where you can listen to country music on the go!) and very accessible search and navigation bars. Also, you'll no longer have to pinch the screen to zoom. It all fits on one screen, just scroll away to read!

Of course, if you see a way to improve the reader experience on the mobile site, be sure to email the editorial team and our tech guru at staff@tasteofcountry.com. We're growing quickly, and your input is an important part of making sure we continue to deliver the news you want to read in ways that are easy to access.

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