LISTEN UP! Parker McCollum Covers Turnpike Troubadours ‘Good Lord Lorrie’
There have been several great videos surface from Parker McCollum’s live show at Stubb's BBQ in Austin earlier this year, but this one has gotta be our favorite.
“I’d have done some real bad sh*t to have written this song.” McCollum says to the crowd before he breaks into his version of Turnpike Troubadours' "Good Lord Lorrie."
While we all wait hopeful, anticipating a return from Turnpike Troubadours, Parker McCollum's latest single "Pretty Heart" is working its way up the Texas radio chart.
Get the Radio Texas, LIVE! app and stream Parker McCollum, Turnpike Troubadours and all of your favorite Texas and Red Dirt music 24/7, commercial free, directly to your phone. Click here for IOS, or here for ANDROID.
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