If breaking stuff is your idea of a good time, then this may be for you. A Texas-based company has created a form of therapy where paying customers can channel their stress by destroying nearly everything around them.

Dallas-based company Anger Room builds mock-ups of kitchens, living rooms and workplaces, then fills them with discarded junk, such as TVs, VCRs, fax machines, furniture and mannequins. For a fee running from $25-$75, customers can then proceed to pulverize everything in the room.

Thirty-year-old entrepreneur Donna Alexander opened the first Anger Room in her garage in 2008. It proved such a hit that she then relocated to a strip mall. Now Alexander caters to a clientele that includes high-level executives and stressed-out moms.

Also, bloggers. Our own Danny Gallagher visited the Anger Room for ManCave. Danny says of his experience,

It was like living out a deep, dark dream of just letting loose all that pent up tension and stress by beating something until it loses its shape, but without the downside of facing felony property damage charges. It sounds sick but it felt really good and cathartic to release that shield of restraint that we all have and unleash hell and whatever moved into my field of view.”

Watch Danny’s video below to see what he means about his time in the Anger Room.

Some have criticized the Anger Room as glorifying violence, but Alexander dismisses such claims. “You can’t tell me that you have never been angry before. You can’t tell me that. If you haven’t ever felt like that maybe you are the crazy one,” she said.

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