Inventor of the cryonics, Robert Ettinger has died at the age of 92. What is cryonics? It's the freezing of a dead body with the hopes of one day bringing it back to life.
Ettinger founded the Cryonics Institute in 1976. Yes, Ettinger himself is now frozen. He is the 106th person to be stored at the facility.

In 1964 Ettinger wrote a book titled "The Prospect of Immortality" which explored the idea of cryonics. Freezing a dead body in hopes that future technology would catch up and they could be unfrozen and live again.

Ettinger also established the Immortalist Society; a research and education organization that explores cryonics and extending life.

A body, or patient as they are referred to,  is stored at the facility in a tank of liquid nitrogen at -321F degrees. This will only cost you about $28,000.

I mentioned that Ettinger is now the 106th person at the facility. His mother was the 1st, she was frozen in 1977.

The following is a video from a few years ago that includes Robert Ettinger and his son David and explains how the cryonics process works.  Also, what kind of future might be in store for those who choose this path.

Reading this made me think of the Mel Gibson movie from the early 90's called Forever Young.  The movie takes place in the 40's with Mel Gibson's character being frozen when the love of his life was hit by a car and  fell into a coma.  He wants to be with this girl so bad he decides he wants to be frozen.  Gibson's character goes to a scientist friend, who is working on a cryogenic tank.  He wants to be frozen for 1 year, that 1 year turns into 50.  Two young boys in the present day of '92 find the tank and open it, that begins the adventure of a man who has been suspended in time for 50 years and wakes to a world completely moved forward by technology.

Cryonics is an interesting concept to say the least.  But I have to wonder if the outcome wouldn't be somewhat like the movie.  Which of course, takes Gibson through a rough and fast deterioration of his body.  He remains young and in good health for only a short time, then dies as an old man, painfully and  very quickly.

Maybe one day the technology will catch up with Ettingers ideas but until then I think I will just go when God takes me and leave it at that.

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