The Cultural Affairs Council (CAC), Children's Performing Arts Series (CPAS), is pround to present the first show for the 2012-2013 season. This musical adaptation from the original story by Charles Perrault follows the plot of the original fairy tale but has some surprises and it's humorous moments. The tale conveys that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and true goodness is found only in the heart. Sleeping Beauty is set for this Sunday, October 14th at the Paramount Theater.

Okay, we all know the story of  'Sleeping Beauty', but this time it's a real live musical and it's in the historic Paramount Theatre in downtown Abilene 352 Cypress.

Tickets are available online at CAC online. Single tickets to individual shows are only $8.00 each while season tickets are $25 per person for just the Patron Level (the ‘Patron Level’ includes admission to the three shows with assigned seating). Tickets can also be purchased over the phone by calling (325)-677-1161 or in person by visiting the CPAS office in the T&P Depot at 1101 North 1st Street, Monday thru Friday from 1 p.m. till 5 p.m. For more information, call the CPAS at (325)-677-1161.

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