
Tim McGraw Talks Movie, Politics
Tim McGraw Talks Movie, Politics
Tim McGraw Talks Movie, Politics
Tim McGraw is never at a loss for things to do. The father of three is husband to superstar Faith Hill and, by the way, a music career and wrapping up a tour of his own. Plenty on his plate, right? Not if you ask Tim. So, why not throw in another movie role?
Ted Nugent Slams Stevie Wonder for Boycott of Florida, Calls Him ‘Soulless’ + More
Ted Nugent Slams Stevie Wonder for Boycott of Florida, Calls Him ‘Soulless’ + More
Ted Nugent Slams Stevie Wonder for Boycott of Florida, Calls Him ‘Soulless’ + More
When Ted Nugent's mouth opens, colorful language is bound to come out. So, if you were going to pick someone to to have a strong opinion about a controversial topic, the Motor City Madman is your guy. Nearly two weeks after Stevie Wonder announced his boycott of Florida over their 'Stand Your Ground' Law, Nugent spoke up. And it's everything you'd expect.
Celebrate DOMA Ruling With Awesome Pics
Celebrate DOMA Ruling With Awesome Pics
Celebrate DOMA Ruling With Awesome Pics
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. To be brief, this means that federal law now recognizes all gay marriages as legal. THAT means that married gay couples can now receive the multitude of federal benefits that previously had only been granted to heterosexual married couples. Here's how the internet is celebrating:
Meet Wendy Davis, Filibusterer Extraordinaire and Internet Hero
Meet Wendy Davis, Filibusterer Extraordinaire and Internet Hero
Meet Wendy Davis, Filibusterer Extraordinaire and Internet Hero
Yesterday something pretty epic happened in the Texas state legislature. We know, already it is hard for you to believe, but we swear it's true. Senator Wendy Davis attempted a 13-hour filibuster to keep one of the most extreme anti-abortion bills in the United States from being voted into law. And this wasn't your average, everyday read-from-the-phone book filibuster, this was a Texas filibuster.

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