I know this story will upset our very own Frank Pain especially if the rumors are true.  What is the rumor you ask?  Well it's that "All My Children" will be leaving the air after 41 years and replaced with a talk show.  Like we need another talk show!!


Soap Operas or "Stories" as my grandmother called them have been disappearing as of late.  There are only 6 soap operas currently on the air; in the 70's there were almost 20.  Why is this?  Well I have my own theory and that is that more women, the target demo of soaps, are now in the work force and unable to watch those types of shows.  It was, in my grandmothers day, what you did while you folded laundry, did the dishes and cleaned the house.  Those days are gone I am afraid and so may be the beloved soap opera franchise.  However, that's IF you believe the rumors.  The network says these rumors are always out there and hold no truth.

“This rumor has been around for quite some time, so it’s just another story in a long line of these stories that appear from time to time,” ABC’s Jori Petersen told Fox411.

Wait and see I guess is all we can do here now.
Two things concern me though if the show is canceled.  My first concern is for Susan Lucci; what ever will she do without this show?  I guess we will see her on the Lifetime channel more often.  As for Frank Pain (he works for our sister station if you didn't know) I guess he will just have to come watch FOX news channel with me.

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