Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau Has Special Pinterest Contest Planned for the Month of August
First there was MySpace, then Facebook and now there is Pinterest. Yes it's another addiction laden social media. I am an admitted Pinterest-aholic. I find so many neat ideas and recipes that I don't realize how long I've been on the sight; then my eys start burning and I have to make myself take a break. Now there's even more of a reason to be on the site. A chance to win prizes just for pinning!
The Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACVB) has created a special contest board called "Abilene is very, very Pinterest-ing". There are 10 exclusive Abilene prizes that you pin and can win.
You can follow ACVB on Pinterest and beginning August 1-30 re-pin the photos; winners will be announced September 4th.
For example there is one that features a Perini Ranch Steakhouse sign. You re-pin that photo onto your board and on September 4th the ACVB will randomly choose a winner for that prize from those who re-pinned the photo.
Some of the prizes available include Perini's gift card, Abilene Zoo memberships, West Texas Fair & Rodeo passes, Big Country Balloon Fest air balloon ride, and more.
If you're looking for a new addiction or you've already found it check out the ACVB contest on Pinterest.
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