5 Popular Baby Items And How Much We Spend
Having a baby. It's one of the most amazing yet scariest things out there. There's a bunch to keep track of. Picking a good doctor, then there's baby names, showers, and that's just the beginning. It's also no cheap feat. It seems like everything is more expensive nowadays, especially baby items, am I right?
But, do you have any guesses as to what baby item is most popular and has the most money spent on it per year? Read on to find out 5 top items for the Abilene baby.
Baby Soaps:
Let's face it, a clean baby is a happy baby. Americans spend 233 million dollars on baby soaps. Many parents are very particular about the soaps they use on their baby's skin. You can explore and find popular brands here.
Baby Toys/Furniture
Who doesn't want to spoil their new bundle with furnishings and toys? But, look at this. Things take a big jump. Americans spend 6.86 million dollars each year on toys and furnishings. You can check out toys, and furniture and shop away here.
Baby Wipes
One thing that will cause trouble quickly is a baby with a dirty hiney. Now we're in the billions. 1.54 billion dollars are spent per year on wipes. Not only is it important for a baby to be clean, but if not and a rash develops, the baby will sure let you know. Wipes are another area parents can get picky. There are many types from non-scented to hypoallergenic. Check out these popular brands.
Baby Food
Why not? Baby deserves some tasty grub too. There are so many varieties and different kinds, that it's no wonder Americans spend a whopping 2.41 billion dollars on baby food. With a sweet taste, pureed carrots are typically the most well-accepted food for babies. Check out these other tasty tidbits for baby.
Baby Diapers
Was your guess correct? Yes, with good reason, diapers top the list with a staggering 4.86 billion dollars spent to keep baby's bum comfy. Most use disposable diapers just for ease, but cloth diapers are still preferred by some. You can browse a full selection and shop for sales here.
There's no doubt, that having a baby is a life-changing event. I had guesses going in on which items would be most popular but I must admit, I didn't realize so much money was spent on diapers. If you're planning for a baby, beware. These expenses are very real.
Source: statista.com