The 11th annual Top Gun Clay Shoot benefiting the West Texas Rehab Center is scheduled for March 22nd and 23rd at the Abilene Clay Sports south range. It's the first year as a two-day event and the firsrt time it will feature two separate courses to shoot from. This clay shoot is one of the more popular clay shoots in West Texas, with more shotguns given away and more prizes as well. A sign-up discount is being offered if registered by Thursday, February 28th. 

Dan Huggins the Director of Donor Relations for the West Texas Rehabilitation Center says, "last year was a huge success, we had 411 shooters, with that many shooters on one-day, and a one-course set up, it made for very crowded conditions. As the last shooters were finishing Saturday evening, the dinner was being served at the banquet." Huggins anticipates the same amount of shooters if not more this year, thus the change from a one day to a two day event. Plus, with the addition of the extra course it will eliminate the over-crowding and long wait time to start the next round of shooters.

Huggins said, "If shooters will register early this year, they will get a discount, but the shooter must be signed up by no later than Thursday, February 28th and the cost will only be $125.00, as of March 1st the cost goes to $150.00.

Source: Dan Huggins WTRC



11th Annual Top Gun Clay Shoot

Dates and Times

Friday, March 22nd, 2013. Starting at 1:00 PM
Saturday, March 23rd, 2013. Stating at 8:30 AM



$125.00 - $150.00

More Info.

If the discount incentive isn't enough to get you to sign up, then how about a large number of shotguns to be awarded in drawings and as prizes. Plus there's a raffle for a high grade Over/Under shotgun (one free raffle ticket per registered shooter, additional raffle tickets for $10 each or 3 for $20). The drawing for raffle shotgun to be held at Saturday awards party, you do not have to be present to win. Entry includes one complimentary noon meal per shooter ($10 for non-participants). Two complimentary dinner tickets are included ($25 for extra ticket). Awards Party and Dinner will be held at 7 pm at the Round Building at the Taylor County Expo Center. For more information including sponsorships and entry forms call Dan Huggins (325) 793-3508 or (325) 660-8335.

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