A Story Out Of Dallas, TX Is A Becoming A Warning To Ladies This Holiday Season To Pay Attention To Your Drinks If You're Planning To Go Out With Friends
Lovers' quarrels can go from 0 to 100 real quick, but it seems like this one started at 100. Ladies, don't do this and guys get ready to cringe.
Things weren't going well for this Chinese couple and the scorned woman decided to take matters into her own hands.
The 'Create Womentum' Women's Conference will be in Abilene on April 5th. Kathy Hawk says "you can get your 'Wo' back and I'm willing to help you during the 'Womentum Conference', plus I'll help make you realize dreams and ambitions". Kathy and friends invite you for a day of faith, inspiration, connection and love at the Paramount Theater. Here are all the details to sign up
Aside from a pre-off-the-rails Mel Gibson being miraculously adept at reading Helen Hunt's lady-brains in ‘What Women Want,’ it’s pretty much a given that no one knows what the opposite gender is thinking, ever.
For the first time, women in the armed forces will be moved into combat roles. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta will make the official announcement Thursday.
Woman can make anything look good. This is particularly true when said women are either displaying their rack loudly and proudly, or just plain nude. Remember when Coco made Hurricane Sandy look awesome? We rest our case. These days, the Chinese are jumping on the bandwagon, using babes of the naked variety to sell cars. We can't believe it took this long for them to finally respond to our letter-
Hey two-timer, you think you're pretty slick, huh? Think again -- a new study says that women can tell if a man's screwing around just by looking at him.