The Ecca Volunteer Fire Department needs help to get the new Firestation built and paid for. You're invited to their annual fundraiser with food, music, and auctions.
Get ready for some great food fun auctions raffles and more at this year's fire and ice feast. This event benefits the Taylor County Volunteer Fire departments.
It's fall tree planting season in Texas and time to think about better protecting your home and property from wildfires. The best way is to know what to plant and where.
The Fire and Ice Feast benefitting area Volunteer Fire departments need our monetary donations and items for the auction or raffle. Here's how you can help.
Gary Young with the ECCA Volunteer Fire Department says that fire conditions in West Texas have gone from bad to worse and we must all work together to avoid any more wildfires like we've seen this year so far. Here's what you can do to help.