
The Turkey Song
The Turkey Song
The Turkey Song
Warning: Listening to "The Turkey Song" will have you singing in no time. I've had the song stuck in my head for over a year now.' remember you've been warned. Enjoy!
Brining a Turkey
Brining a Turkey
Brining a Turkey
There are lots of ways to fix a turkey and everyone has their own favorite recipe. However, no matter what, you want to brine your turkey to keep it from becoming dry.
Turkey Gets Blown Up
Turkey Gets Blown Up
Turkey Gets Blown Up
Recently I wrote about hog hunters using Tannerite explosive to blow up wild hogs. Now I've discovered that trying to prepare your holiday turkey using Tannerite is not really a great idea. The only question I have is, how much Tannerite does one need to prepare a 15 pound turkey?
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Since mom passed a couple years ago I've been looking after my aging father and it can get pretty interesting at times, especially when you've got a dad like mine (half drill sergeant, half comedian). When mom was alive she told dad what he was hungry for. Now, dad found his hunger independence and he tells me what he's been craving. Last week he says "you know son, turkey and dressing isn't

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