Look Inside the 'Underground House' Currently For Sale in TexasLook Inside the 'Underground House' Currently For Sale in TexasDiscover the viral sensation of the underground home in Midland, Texas - a unique investment opportunity under $300k!Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Guess Who Owns Most Of Texas? 1 GuyGuess Who Owns Most Of Texas? 1 GuyTexas is big, 2nd largest state in the USA in case you didn't know. We have one ranch, 1, that's bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island.Dubba GDubba G
Want to Own the Former WWE Headquarters? It'll Cost You Big BucksWant to Own the Former WWE Headquarters? It'll Cost You Big BucksMuch of the building was actually featured during a match in 2020. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
A Single-Wide Trailer With An Indoor Pool + Diving Board Just Hit the Market [Pics]A Single-Wide Trailer With An Indoor Pool + Diving Board Just Hit the Market [Pics]Uncover the hidden gem of a single-wide trailer home with a surprising indoor pool, listed for $165,000.Evan PaulEvan Paul
5 Bedroom House on 58 Acres For Sale in Henderson, Texas5 Bedroom House on 58 Acres For Sale in Henderson, TexasExperience the serenity of this 5-bedroom ranch in Henderson, TX. With ponds, modern amenities, and scenic views, it's a sanctuary for just $1.3M.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
RANKED: Here Is the Priciest Home for Sale in Each U.S. StateRANKED: Here Is the Priciest Home for Sale in Each U.S. StateFrom expansive spaces to roam in the West to "snug" beach retreats in the East, prepare to be awestruck by the opulence of the most luxurious real estate across all 50 states.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
World Famous Bruno Steel House In Texas Lowers Its Asking PriceWorld Famous Bruno Steel House In Texas Lowers Its Asking PriceA Viral And Very Well Known Airbnb Rental In West Texas Just Lowered Its Asking Price.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
A Mid-Sized House In Certain Parts Of Texas Costs You This MuchA Mid-Sized House In Certain Parts Of Texas Costs You This MuchEverybody wants to buy a house in the Lone Star State. But how hard would it hit a Texan's wallet?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Secret Passage Inside Historic Home For Sale in East TexasSecret Passage Inside Historic Home For Sale in East TexasExplore the charm of a 1860s home in East Texas. From the hidden staircase to the wine cellar, this property at 116 Beavers Bnd has it all!Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
This Incredible Glass Texas Lakehouse Could be Yours for $6 MilThis Incredible Glass Texas Lakehouse Could be Yours for $6 MilSitting on over 23 acres of land, the three-story glass house appears to be floating right on top of a beautiful 2-acre pond in Round rock, Texas.CeCeCeCe
Beautiful Texas Ranch Has 60 Plus Acres For $3 MillionBeautiful Texas Ranch Has 60 Plus Acres For $3 MillionJust A Short Drive From San Antonio, TX just off I-10, a beautiful ranch just hit the market and it has everything you could dream of.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Big Money: Here Are the 20 Richest Billionaires in TexasBig Money: Here Are the 20 Richest Billionaires in TexasExplore how Texas billionaires made their fortunes - from tech to real estate, the possibilities are endless.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins