Winter Formal and Prom season is here once again. There is no need to leave Abilene to find that special dress. There are some great places right here and we have a few listed for you.
I'm an emotional person. I cry about weird stuff though, like when I'm mad or frustrated. This video got me good and I wasn't expecting it too. A high school girl has a disease that affects her growth and heart so she's really small, but that didn't seem to matter to the young football player who asked her to prom. He did so in a big way too!
Saturday was a busy day for me. It started with the Mayor's 5k, then to my mom's to mow the lawn, then home to clean up and head to a live broadcast. I needed some lunch though, so I stopped by Mr. Burger on Buffalo Gap Rd. on my way home. That's when I noticed the signage.
Prom is a big deal to Junior and Senior high school kids, that hasn't changed. What has changed is the creativity in which one asks another to go to the prom. This guy has probably the most unique way I've ever seen.
If the overly obsessive mothers on the TLC show "Toddlers In Tiaras" make you wonder what is wrong with some parents, here's a story out of a small town north of Austin that takes the stage mother obsession to a whole new level.