Little Penny was carelessly tossed out onto the side of the road in Harrisonville, Virginia, but thanks to Officer Timothy Rugg, the kitten now has a home.
Meet Koda, Tig, Ruff, & Moose this week's "KEAN Critters of the Week." They need a home now. They're litter box trained and ready for their forever home.
Meet Starla and Darla, two very loving 6 week old black, grey and white Tabby Tiger striped kittens. Both are strays that were picked up by Abilene Animal Services. Both kittens are very sweet and love to cuddle. Please help us save these beautiful "KEAN Critters" of the week. See them now at Abilene Animal Services in C-14. Here's more on Starla and Darla.
The Winter Olympics are coming to an end but not before some cute kittens try to win some medals. These cute kittens try some Olympic sports and create some laughter along the way.
French Tumblr Des Hommes et des Chatons (Men and Kittens) makes us wonder -- do we like kittens because they remind us of hunky dudes, or do we like hunky dudes because they remind us of kittens? Or, are they both great and this is the best Tumblr evvvaaar?! Probably that last one.
We could offer an explanation of this. But we really don't have one, and do you really need one? It's just an adorable Corgi puppy and an equally adorable kitten snuggling, and arguing in their sleep over who gets the most pillow. Oh, and chewing on each other's feet...
Ask anybody who owns a cat: Cats love sports. Not because they love the interplay of human achievement at the highest level with physics and chance, or because they love statistics and analysis. No, they love sports because a small ball goes flying around, riveting their attention...
The North Shore Animal League is in Abilene April 5th and 6th only. N.S.A.L. will team up with Rescue the Animals and several area animal control shelters to host the largest adoption celebration ever in the history of west Texas. Complete with live entertainment in the form of Zack Harmon.This celebration is taking place at