Nunc interdum lacus sit amet orci. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien. In auctor lobortis lacus. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Integer tincidunt. [Update 1]
In his relatively short run as 'Late Night' host, Seth Meyers has already interviewed Kanye West (remember that whole rant about "sonic paintings"?), so it comes as little surprise that he also landed West's prolific paramour, Kim Kardashian, for her very own interview. The two are currently celebrating the release of their somewhat controversial 'Vogue' cover, so what better way to keep
Kanye West is taking romance to a whole new, weird level. The 36-year-old rapper is reportedly buying Kim Kardashian 10 Burger King restaurants in Europe as a wedding gift.
And lo, the tenure of 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' has come to an end once again, leaving Jay to walk off into that darling sunset with Jimmy Fallon waiting in the wings and a bitter Conan O'Brien making the only jokes. Jay's first-ever guest Billy Crystal joined the late-night host last night to bookend the run, bringing with him a cavalcade of guest stars to send Jay off in style before the
If you've been dying to find out what Kim Kardashian and Kanye's baby's name is, well, you can finally settle up all your office bets. Kimye went with North. That's right, their little girl's name is North West. Here's how the internet is reacting to this news...
In what felt like classic Conan, last night's episode held arguably one of the funniest sketches the show has churned out since its 'Late Night' days. He unleashed a bit regarding what we hope would actually go down at the couple's ultra sound. In truth, it might not be all that far-fetched.
Considering how much the Kardashians love turning their entire lives into one giant press release, and how much we can't stand the Kardashians, Kanye West letting it slip last night that he knocked up Kim K by calling her his "baby mama" onstage might be our favorite thing he's ever done. Sorry, 'College Dropout.'
Kim Kardashian is so desperately trying to prove to the world that she's a real actress. Remember that time a while back when she was lobbying for her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and her critics were like, "Um, no. You're not a legit actress"? Well, the reality TV star is seemingly trying to change the tides by getting a featured gig in Tyler Perry's upcoming flick 'Temptation