Guess who’s back. Back again. Supes is back. Tell a friend…about what might be the least shocking piece of promotional art for Justice League. Yep, Henry Cavill’s Superman returns, joining the JL crew in a new, incredibly Photoshopped image from Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s upcoming superhero epic. I mean, it’s not as if you didn’t know he’d be back to save the world with his super-pals, but here he is in all his Kryptonian glory — just in case.
Over the weekend, DC Comics (via Heroic Hollywood) released another version of the same character designs, this time ramping up the Alex Ross influence by having our favorite superheroes standing in profile together. It also aligns pretty well with that Comic-Con trailer, emphasizing both the Flash and Wonder Woman and downplaying (a little) Batman. All part of your lighter, brighter, and funnier Justice League, right?
Say what you will about Warner Bros., but they’ve always saved some of their best Justice League footage for Comic-Con. Last year we were treated to our first extended look at the DCEU entry; this year the studio has raised the stakes, giving us some actual footage of the Justice League villain in action. Oh, and this trailer also seems to emphasize the heck out of the world of Wonder Woman - including a scene set entirely in Themyscira - indicating that they know exactly who their most popular superhero is going forward. It’s probably not a coincidence that there’s more Gal Gadot in this trailer than anyone else.
Comic Con is coming, and like the shockwave that hits right before the tsunami, Entertainment Weekly has been debuting a slew of new images and interviews from our favorite blockbuster heroes all week. Not to be outdone, Justice League has released a new image of half of the team of heroes staring at something… very… intensely.
The announcement that Danny Elfman will replace Junkie XL as the composer of Justice League is one of the first concrete signs of the shift in direction following the departure of Zack Snyder and his replacement by Joss Whedon. Frankly, we were excited by the news. Elfman’s a great composer, with plenty of experience writing music for superhero movies; he composed the music for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, Ang Lee’s Hulk, and Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy II: The Golden Army.
With post-production well underway, Justice League is on schedule to hit theaters in November, but the DC superhero epic will have to enter the homestretch without Zack Snyder. The director is officially stepping away from the film to tend to a deeply personal family tragedy, as Snyder, along with wife and creative partner Deborah, cope with the sudden loss of their daughter.