Get down to the facts and stop spreading false information.There are times that it is justifiable for you to shoot a creepy clown, but it seems a lot of people really don't understand the laws
It seems our youth these days are completely attached to their internet and gadgets.This commercial is advertising a 3GPLUS network that is basically so easy a baby could use it.
People in their 20's might have a difficult time imagining a world where all the information is not at their fingertips. Here's a news report that shows just how much technology has changed our lives during the past 30-plus years.
Valentine's Day is tricky. Most people either love the mushy stuff or dread it for weeks beforehand, so there's really no right way to go about celebrating the holiday. Lovebird festivities usually entail red roses, lots of chocolate and super sentimental things that make some people want to gag.