If you're looking for fun Halloween events in and around Abilene, including haunted houses, community events and more, we have them all here in one place for you.
It's no secret, but you won't get me into a haunted house whether it's real or for Halloween. After watching this video you'll get an idea why I do not venture into haunted houses. Because I will mess myself and hurt somebody all in one swift move. Watch these grown men scream like eight year-old girls on a roller coaster ride and take off running for their lives.
Halloween is coming up, and we all know what that means: Christmas stuff starts showing up in stores any minute now. Also, on Halloween weekend, we'll be going to lots of haunted houses, haunted garages, haunted mazes, haunted cul-de-sacs and haunted, well, anything you can stick a light-up ghost on.
There's a chill in the air, brandy is slowly edging out rum as the drink of choice, and the skin around our eyes is brutally chapped -- must be Autumn! And you know what that means -- time for some laughs courtesy of perennial favorite Nightmares Fear Factory, a haunted house in Niagara Falls with a hidden camera that takes pictures of people while they're having the crap scared out of them. Hilar
If you're thinking of celebrating Halloween by going to a haunted house attraction, you also might want to schedule an appointment with a psychologist the following morning.
Tales of some of the greatest American hauntings emerge this time every year that serve as a darkened overtone to the season of the witch and All Hallows Eve. Frightening stories from the eccentric lunacies of William Winchester’s widow to the infamous Lizzie Borden murders all come to mind when one thinks of the scarier places in the country.
But where exactly are the most haunted houses in Ameri