Thanks to modern technology, more and more citizens are filming police officers and their actions. Now, Texas Representative Jason Villalba wants that made illegal and yes, as it's currently worded, you could be arrested for it.
By now, you've probably seen (on Facebook) the 'petitions' for a number of states (Texas included) requesting permission to secede from the United States. For the record, anyone can file a petition on the official White House site. You don't have to be of sound mind and body to do so.
So, in response to that ridiculousness, I have 10 petitions I'd like to propose to the U.S. government.
All little girls want Barbie dolls and it's not usually a big deal but in Iran toy shops are being shut down because of the dolls. Iran has long tried to keep "Western Culture" from creeping into their country and now they are taking pretty stiff actions to deal with it.
If you are a fisherman you know the thrill of catching "the big one". However, what would you do if you caught an 881 lbs. Bluefin Tuna? A fisherman, and I should specify a "professional" fisherman did just that and then the government swooped in an confiscated it!
I read this story the other night and could not believe what I was reading. After hurricane Ike hit the Gulf Coast region of Texas a few years a go, almost wiping out Galveston and causing lots of damage even further inland, many people turned to the government and FEMA for financial help. There is a ton of red tape to go through in order to receive funding but people do it because they need the
A town in Illinois spends $1000 on rubber chickens to be thrown out during a local parade and a local watchdog group is not happy. With property values declining and taxes going up they can't understand why the town would spend tax payer money on such novelties.