The Ecca Volunteer Fire Department needs help to get the new Firestation built and paid for. You're invited to their annual fundraiser with food, music, and auctions.
This is such a heartbreaking story.
A fire broke out at a Georgetown, Texas pet resort on Saturday night claiming the lives of 75 dogs.
This is such a heartbr
With the recent winter storm that killed so much vegetation in West Texas, the season is ripe for wildfires to rage throughout the Lone Star State. Here are some tips to help prevent wildfires.
A family pet is rescued from a second story apartment fire in south Abilene. The brave rescuer is not even an Abilene Firefighter, he was a neighbor, watch.
With Cruise Night here, we will be seeing a lot of awesome cars. Here's one classic car that's not just for cruising around in. This classic flame spitting hot rod can actually light your bonfire then drive off for a cruise around town. Check it out.