Before traveling this Christmas season, remember to include eight hours of sleep in your travel plans prior to hitting the road. Texas ranks high among the fatal drowsy driver crashes.
Let's face the facts, there are a lot of laws that we Texans either don't know about, or we just get them wrong altogether. Here are some of the most obvious.
Stop and admire the latest addition to our Abilene roads to help make the Key City a much safer driving experience. Those lit-up stop signs are awesome!
With the Labor Day weekend upon us, TxDOT are launching their annual 'Drink. Drive. Go To Jail. ' campaign to warn drivers of the dangers of driving drunk.
Driving in Abilene can be quite hazardous. But, a lot of the times it's because of the drivers. Here are 5 stupid things that Abilene drivers do that gets under our skin.