Children of the '80s and '90s pretty much learned everything they need to know from TV. (It was basically like a third parent.) Besides "very special" sitcom episodes, one of the major ways we learned about how to say no to drugs and avoid "stranger danger" was from public service announcements.
When one thinks of ‘Say Anything...,’ John Cusak, holding a boom box above his head and serenading Ione Skye with the Peter Gabriel song ’In Your Eyes' likely comes to mind.
But beyond that iconic scene, Cameron Crowe’s directorial debut is perhaps one of the most well-crafted and nuanced teen romantic comedies of all time.
I grew up in the 80's so while much of that decade is something we want to forget (big hair) there were still things that I loved and want to remember. Some of these so called "fads" I found out. are still around or have even made a small comeback. Scary isn't it? However, I think I would welcome back some of the 80's fads compared to some of the trends of the present. So here are my favorite fads of the 80's; reminisce with me now.
Here's something for all you painfully nostalgic types out there. It's video footage of John Cusack awkwardly shuffling onstage with a boombox and handing it to Peter Gabriel before he performed "In Your Eyes" in concert over the weekend.
PBS mainstay 'Mr. Wizard' was so crotchety back in the day that comedy writers Mike Schuster and Diane Bullock had to make two videos just to contain all of his hilarious put-downs and snide remarks directed towards his young sidekicks. (You can watch the first Mr. Wizard supercut here.).
Love 'em or hate 'em, reboots are all the rage in Hollywood — both on the big screen, where you can't go a week without a new version of 'Footloose' or 'The Thing,' and on the TV, where '90210' is back and 'Charlie's Angels' briefly took flight again this fall.
Recognizing a trend when they see it, the folks at N
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As you might have heard, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been killed. While the news came as a surprise, Gaddafi’s death was actually predicted by the short-lived, late 80s’ sitcom ‘Second Chance‘ in an episode set in the far-flung future year of 2011. Creepy!