Tea has always been big in Texas and over the past several years the infusion of alcohol into teas has grown exponentially. This week on The Weekend Buzz, we'll introduce one of the newest hard teas on the block, Lipton Hard Iced Tea.

What Is The Weekend Buzz?

Simply put, we feature beers, spirits, and more from the best breweries on the planet. We crack 'em open, then dive in and give you our thoughts on them. We drink beer, and we tell you about beer. Isn't life awesome?

We've gotten our grubby hands on several hard teas on The Weekend Buzz. We've cracked open Voodoo Ranger's Hard Charged Tea, Arizona Hard Iced Tea, HOOP Spiked Tea, and Beatbox Hard Tea. Now it's time to check out Lipton Hard Iced Tea.

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Lipton Hard Iced Tea

Photo: Chaz
Photo: Chaz

Lipton has been making awesome tea for over 130 years. Now they've added booze to one of America's favorite teas. Made with real tea, these hard teas come in peach, lemon, strawberry, and half & half for an explosion of flavor that carries 5% ABV.

We'll also have returning guest Cory Lee from Bad Boy Bail Bonds on the show and we'll drink these teas, let you know what's buzzin' in Abilene, and bring in the weekend the only way we know how...with beer.

The Weekend Buzz is a pre-recorded show that airs every Friday from 3-7 on Rock 108 brought to you by our buddies over at Ben E. Keith Beverages, who along with Townsquare Media remind you to enjoy responsibly.

Check out some of the brews and spirits we have tried in the past on The Weekend Buzz.

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The Weekend Buzz - Booze Vault

Gallery Credit: Chaz

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