Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
10 Completely Unnecessary Signs
Signs are usually important. Well, besides the confusing sort or the total fails. But even those serve to share notable information with fellow citizens, or at least attempt to do so. But there are the select few signs that are unnecessary. Like, really unnecessary.
11 Kids Who’ve Had Enough of Their Parents’ Nonsense
We know parents love their kids. They want what's best for them. But sometimes, mom and dad can be super annoying, and munchkins have no problem letting 'em know.
10 Animals Caught in Adorable Sneezing Fits
Sneezing is weird. Sometimes it can be funny to us humans, but it mostly just makes us look really funny. When animals sneeze, however, it's a whole 'lotta cute!
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
Balloon art is usually something that's confined to a) clowns or b) those guys on the side of the street who make those really embarrassing hats that are like, five feet tall. As it turns out though, there's a whole lot more to the art than standard balloon animals or pop-able accessories. In fact, a lot of 'em are actually impressive.
11 Creative Ways to Decorate Back-to-School Nails
Back=to-school season is in full swing, and even though the end of summer pretty much stinks, heading back to class doesn't have to. Why? For starters, it's the perfect time to sport some apples and notebooks and maybe even a pencil or two on those nails.
11 Awesome Tattoos of the Minions from ‘Despicable Me’
If you've never seen 'Despicable Me', take it from us-- you need to, if only to fall in love with the adorableness that are the minions.
Chill Out With These 15 Sloth GIFs
Sometimes we've just gotta chill out, dude. You know-- slow down, take one thing at a time and relax. Of course this is easier said than done for most of us, but luckily we have our sloth friends to look toward for example.
10 Awesome Examples of Finger Art
We know art comes in all sorts of forms, from the grumpy to the banana variety. But something we don't see all-that-often is the kind that uses your own fingers as the canvas.
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
With Labor Day just over a week away, it's time to face the facts-- summer is coming to an end way too soon. But even though we won't be able to wipe out on Slip n' Slides too much longer, there are still tons of awesome things we can look foward to in the Fall, and apparently dogs are so ready for it.
10 Baby Seals That’ll Make Your Week Way Cuter
Ugh, we've been sucked in again. Baby animals get us every single time. But can you really blame us? It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you have snuggly koalas and dime-size lizards around. And as you'll soon find out, baby seals are no exception.
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, stop. We're about to make your day a whole lot better, although we can't really take ownership over the adorableness that's about to ensue-- this one's all on the animals. Are you ready? It's puppy attack time!
13 Koalas That Will Make Your Week Way Cuter
It's times like these when we're really jealous of our friends Down Under, because how awesome would it be to have native koalas casually roaming around? Answer: almost as awesome as it would be not awesome to be stung by one of those insta-kill jellyfish they've got down there.