I appreciate it when someone approaches me with a pointer that helps save me some cash. I love sharing a money-saving secret whenever I can, too. There's something about a shared deal that can bring people closer together and form a team mentality. Maybe we can call it a "savings bond". A year or so ago, I was informed of SeizeTheDeal.com, a website that offers 50-90% saving on things to do in Abilene. I was impressed with the fact that, in this economy, there was a way to try something new (restaurants, retail stores, show tickets, etc.) without having to pay full price.

Before that, I was told about GasBuddy, an app for my phone that would seek out the best gas prices in Abilene, and tell me where to go to save the most when filling up my tank. Again, a very useful idea, since gas prices seem to only go up.

Now, I'm finding out firsthand that there are groups on Facebook where people offer their stuff for sale or trade. As it turns out, joining this group has saved my family a nice little chunk of change.

Have you got a favorite tip to save money?

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