Before you read this, grab a box of tissues, you're going to need it. 18 year old Austin high school senior  Ben Breedlove died on Christmas Day of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart condition he was born with. Early on his parents were informed that Ben would most likely not make it to his teen years.

Ben said, "I cheated death"  but right before he passed away on Sunday, Ben left behind two wordless videos on his own YouTube channel. It's like he knew he was being called up, because he used a series of hand-written note cards with messages that tells his life story, including the times, according to him, he "cheated death." Mr. and Mrs. Breedlove said "we found the videos just hours after Ben's passing".

During one of the times when Ben had a near brush with death, he said he remembers being rushed down the hallway with nurses and his mother by his side. When all of a sudden he looked up and saw a bright blinding white light. He pointed it out to his mother, who says she didn't see anything there.

I believe that Ben Breedlove was given an awesome gift, a gift to see the other side and yet be able to share with the rest of us what we can expect when our time comes. Check out the his videos, I think you'll discover that he was an insightful young man, with a heavenly spirit about him.


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