
The Alzheimer’s Association Gets Help From Singers and Songwriters Like Andrea Tanaro [AUDIO]
The Alzheimer’s Association Gets Help From Singers and Songwriters Like Andrea Tanaro [AUDIO]
The Alzheimer’s Association Gets Help From Singers and Songwriters Like Andrea Tanaro [AUDIO]
More and more singers and songwriters are taking the money they earn from music royalties and donating it directly to their favorite charities. Up and coming artist Andrea Tanaro has decided early on in her musical career, that's exactly what she is doing with the money from the sale of her new song “Taking Care of Mama”. The song is actually about Alzheimer's and it's about her mother in-law. Giv
Nashville Songwriter Says Justin Moore Stole the Song ‘Backwoods’ [VIDEO]
Nashville Songwriter Says Justin Moore Stole the Song ‘Backwoods’ [VIDEO]
Nashville Songwriter Says Justin Moore Stole the Song ‘Backwoods’ [VIDEO]
The word hit the streets today that, Justin Moore allegedly stole the song 'Backwoods' from another Nashville songwriter several years ago. According to the lawsuit that was filed in district court in Nashville Tennessee, songwriter Bobby Carmichael and his friend Britton Curry say, their song is almost identical to 'Backwoods' with the same lyrics, pitch and rhythm as Justin’s hit song. The song
Don Williams To Be Honored with Golden Note Award [VIDEO]
Don Williams To Be Honored with Golden Note Award [VIDEO]
Don Williams To Be Honored with Golden Note Award [VIDEO]
Texas born singer, songwriter Don Williams will be honored with the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, ASCAP Golden Note Award. Williams also know as The Gentle Giant of Country Music has had a very successful career as a singer, but what most folks don't know is that Williams is one heck of a songwriter. as a singer Don Williams chalked up 45 Top Ten songs and at least 17 No.
Texas Music Kristen Kelly Gets Nashville Record Deal [Video]
Texas Music Kristen Kelly Gets Nashville Record Deal [Video]
Texas Music Kristen Kelly Gets Nashville Record Deal [Video]
Texas music fans know and love Kristen Kelly. On April 27, 2011 you can say "her boat finally came in." All those years of persistence and playing the Texas Honky-Tonks got her in front of the right people, with some hard work and great lyrics to her original songs she managed to wrangle a Nashville record deal with the Nipper dog, RCA/Sony. Here's one of the songs that I'm sure caught t