Starbucks coffee chain has become an American institution among caffeine junkies, mid-day speed freaks, and daily-grinders alike. It only makes sense that they'd start catering to booze hounds at cocktail hour, eventually. Us. We mean us.

In their newest venture, “Starbucks Evenings,” the coffee chain will begin serving alcoholic beverages after 4pm alongside of their regular coffee menu. Of course, boozing it up in a coffee shop just wouldn’t be the same without a selection of fancypants appetizers, like warmed rosemary and brown sugar cashews, bacon-wrapped dates, truffle macaroni and cheese and chocolate fondue. How else are you going to soak up those drinks sloshing around in your gut?

Unfortunately, the new found Starbooze evening menu is only available in select locations across the United States. In the meantime, the company is still working to obtain liquor licenses for some of their additional locations.

Honestly, the thought of Starbucks serving booze is making us a little nervous. Everyone knows that it is never wise to mix uppers and downers – isn't that what killed Janis Joplin?

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