I recently attended the Country Cares seminars in Memphis Tn. where we spent time with country stars that are there to help us raise money for St. Jude. One of the days, the St. Jude folks bring in a guest speaker, this years surprise speaker was one of my favorite guys in the world, Navy SEAL and war hero Marcus Luttrell. In his opening remarks he asked the men to give up their seats for the ladies that were standing and for everyone to turn off their phones. I took a few pictures and then did as he asked and I powered down my phone. 35 minutes into his speech my phone starts ringing and that's when Luttrell shot me the look.

I swear that if looks could kill I was a dead man, at that very instant, I realized that I was getting the look that the Taliban fighters got from Luttrell just before he killed them. As I fumbled to quite and power the phone off again, I felt my blood go ice cold as this war hero stared me down. When his speech was over, Petty Officer Marcus Lutrell got a very deserving standing ovation and I was still trying to figure out how fate would have one of my heroes giving me that "go straight to hell" look, I discovered that my phone was not ringing because I had an incoming call, but rather that my alarm-clock that I had set to go pick up my daughter at school was sounding off. I later that day learned that this new phone I have will turn itself back on, to insure that all alarms still alert it's owner. To say the least, I was too embarrassed to go ask Mr. Luttrell for an autograph or a picture, instead I just faded away into the crowd before he hunted me down and killed me with his Navy Seals thumbs, of which Luttrell is capable of doing.

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