It appears that more and more people are turning to Craigslist for just about everything. The first time I ever heard of Craigslist was when a coworker recommended that I place an ad in Craigslist to find the board operators that run and produce our live high school and college sports events. Within three days I had two perfect applicants,  and I hired them both; that was two years ago. So, can you find a job in Abilene on Craigslist?

My answer is a big fat yes.

By the looks of it, if you really want to work and you're not being extremely picky then Craigslist is a great resource. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's the only place to look, I would go to some of the other employment services that Abilene has to offer as well. Here are a few of them, be aware that some charge while others do not.

With summer upon us and lots of high school and college students looking for summer employment, jobs in Abilene will be in short supply. You may have to be a little industrious to get what you're looking for. I did, and I was able to hire two awesome board-ops who otherwise may have never thought of working at a local radio station.

Where do you look for job openings? Is there a place that I missed? Do you think there are jobs to be found in Abilene?

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